Start of the Games N' Stuff Journeyman League

Wednesday night I signed up for the Journeyman League at GNS. As my wife can atest, I spent the better part of the last week waffling between which of the 11 Iron Kingdoms factions to play. I finally decided on Skorne because I have few models painted for them, unlike my Legion or Trollbloods, and because I've seen relatively few people playing them in the local meta, unlike Cygnar, Circle or Menoth.For my first three weeks, I'll be using Xerxis as my warlock, and my basic battlegroup will be the Archidon and Titan Sentry.

When I got to GNS, there were two new faces I didn't recognize battling out league games in Skorne vs. Cryx. The Skorne player, John Patrick, was running Morghoul with a Bronzeback and Gladiator titans. The Cryx player, Chandler, was running the standard Cryx battlebox with Deneghra, two Deathrippers, a Defiler, and a Slayer. Both John and Chandler were very new to Mk2, so I spent a good portion of the night answering random rules questions for them both, during our games together as well as during their other games. However, they both acquitted themselves well and are well on their way to becoming solid veteran players.

I've provided a summary of the games after the break.