Privateer Press at TempleCon 2013

The presentation began 10 minutes late. This was better than the 30 minute delay from 2011. They begin with a marketing video for a "MonPoc meets Space Hulk" sequel to their Level 7 board game. The game is completely stand alone from the original Level 7's prison break game play. Next video was a fluff piece for organized play.

No big news, except the inevitable arrival of a global championship called Iron Gauntlet. Iron Gauntlet will happen at Lock and Load 2014, with the first qualifier at Lock and Load 2013. The championship's chief gimmick is mixed faction Divide and Conquer for qualifiers and the Championship itself- bring a Khador list and Trollblood list for same event, etc.. They will have interntional qualifiers in the UK and Britain, and multiple other qualifiers in North America. Following this, my eyes glazed over as they shifted into another marketing video this time for a deck builder.

Blah blah blah deck building in Iron Kingdoms. Copy Dominion, rewrite fluff, drop support like Infernal Contraption et al.. Rather than go with the 15mm grand strategy miniatures route of Games Workshop's old Epic line, Privateer Press is trying to use a deck builder to deliver the feel as a marshal of an army. I suspect this finally means Privateer Press has realized that very few people desire to play 100 point or greater games in their tactical format. It only took them 10 years of failed marketing, but hey, at least they listened to the customers with the next bit...
Finally the real meat of the presentation: Convergence of Cyriss. A new WM faction entirely of clockwork cyborgs. Super jack marshals (drive to assign say, shield guard or arc node powers), passive stat sharing for warcasters and their jacks (think Rapport for all your jacks). Sculpts are Art Deco meets Mortenebra. It should compliment the Art Noveau of Retribution well.


TempleCon 2013 - Beginning

10 minutes until the Privateer Press keynote begins, and this is the measure of general chaos in the hall outside of the Grand Ballroom. The TempleCon organizers were better this morning than the mess of 2011. There is still a lot of organizing left to be done.