With this lack of diversity, and the realization I might play Circle for the next month for the Journeyman League, I decided to break out one of the other factions for play. Since the driving reason for choosing a different faction was the lack of differentiated tiers to choose from, I decided to pull out my Legion from cold storage. Legion has a number of competitive tier lists with different flavors of play.
After reviewing the tier options, I decided I'd run eLylyth's "Ravens of War" to give me an assassination list not based on spell casting -- a ton of Circle lists rely on spell assassinations to win and the rule today was "not like Circle". For the second list, I wanted to bring a beast driven melee list that could handle a Colossal or two, so I chose pThagrosh. I've been curious to try this list for a while now, and this seemed liked an excellent opportunity to do so. The lists and battle reports are after the break.