50 Pt. Tieranny Tournament @ Games N' Stuff

On Sunday I played in the Games N' Stuff 50 Pt. Tieranny tournament. After spending a few hours in the days leading up to the event waffling on lists, I decided that my current faction (Circle Orboros) simply lacked quality tiers that also differentiated themselves from each other. Too many of them relied on a two full units of Druids and a few heavy warbeasts, with the usual assortment of support (e.g. Shifting Stones, Wilder, etc.).

With this lack of diversity, and the realization I might play Circle for the next month for the Journeyman League, I decided to break out one of the other factions for play. Since the driving reason for choosing a different faction was the lack of differentiated tiers to choose from, I decided to pull out my Legion from cold storage. Legion has a number of competitive tier lists with different flavors of play.

After reviewing the tier options, I decided I'd run eLylyth's "Ravens of War" to give me an assassination list not based on spell casting -- a ton of Circle lists rely on spell assassinations to win and the rule today was "not like Circle". For the second list, I wanted to bring a beast driven melee list that could handle a Colossal or two, so I chose pThagrosh. I've been curious to try this list for a while now, and this seemed liked an excellent opportunity to do so. The lists and battle reports are after the break.


NoVA Open 2012, Part 3 of 3

In this final installment of my NoVA Open 2012 experience, I'm delivering a two-fer on tournaments. The first tournament covered is the Saturday night Team Tournament. The second is the very short report of my disappointing Masters run. Astute readers might note that there is no mention of NoVA Open's Saturday morning Steamroller tournament. Having already qualified in Hardcore (see Part 1), I was now playing for fun until Masters. Therefore I decided to take my wife down to Mt. Vernon for lunch and enjoy wandering around until the start of the Team Tournament. More about the tournaments after the break.

NoVA Open 2012, Part 2 of 3

This is the second part of my NoVA Open 2012 after action reports. After Hardcore (see Part 1), I had about an hour break to grab dinner and prepare for the Tieranny tournament on Friday. As my wife can attest, I often refuse to settle on lists (or factions) for a tournament until I'm signing up, and even then I will often make small changes to the list composition based on some latest fickle idea. The Tieranny tournament was no different.

While I make my list selection sound fairly rational here, it was by no means as clearly thought out at the time. I didn't finally decide on a caster until a few minutes before tournament start, and ended up handing in my registration sheet as the first wave of player assignments was being called. The lists and battle reports are after the break.


NoVA Open 2012, Part 1 of 3

This is a write up of my NoVA Open 2012 results. I had a lot of fun this year, playing Trollbloods for the entire weekend. I decided to write up battle reports of the tournaments I participated in, and break up the reports into three parts, one for each tournament. The report for my first tournament of the weekend, Hardcore, is after the break.